Sunday, August 14, 2011


The next morning I was awoken by clanging and loud impacts on our shuttle-home. I looked out the window to see my dad getting tools from our tool supply, he was in a hurry to our new neighbors shuttle. "They must be setting up the shuttle into it's house formation" I thought to myself. I brushed my teeth, got dressed, ate some Pop Tarts, and suited up to play outside. Imagine, being in my day and age and putting on a space-suit just to play outside! I turned on the Light Gatherer and it made a lovely set of stairs for me that glowed a beautiful yellow-cream color. I made my way down the steps, and finally...the soft surface of the Moon, I touched the ground gently, this is my favorite part about coming outside, the moment gravity completely escapes my feet! I took one slow step at a time, the Pop Tart's sugar started to do it's job, it wasn't long until I was jumping over craters and large Moon rocks. My helmet radio was receiving a call, it was from my mom "dear, come to the house, I want you to do a favor for me." I replied "okay, I'll be there soon!" When I got to our house my mom was standing out front, and surprisingly with Angel! My heart raced, I was a about to die of suffocation even though I had a helmet on. Strands of her Red-Burnett hair floated out into her helmet, my eyes were getting lost in her's "Lion-" my mom interrupted my train of thought "I want you to play with Angel while I go help Mrs. Cardinal arrange her house, and play nice." My mom left me with the one person I could be alone with any day, I was already exhausted just from the thought of being near her! Then she spoke for the first time ever, that was the day my heart went into her all the way "Lion your name was? That's a very awesome name you have!" She said with a young and flourishing voice. "Thanks" I smiled "and yours is Angel right?" she replied "yes" I swear every moment she spoke I was about to die! "well the name suits you well!" she blushed, then replied ", what do you wanna play?" I had just about a million games I only knew how to play alone, my first time playing with another person! I said "I don't know, what do you want to play?" she replied "have you ever played Hide and Seek?" my brain raced, trying to remember how to reply to a question, then I finally said "no, but I'm willing to play anything you want to play!" and that was the start of our friendship.

The Earth had made 12 full rotations by the time we were exhausted and laughing. The Cardinal's space-home was just about finished and our moms were preparing a group dinner, then I got a call from my mom "time to come home dear! And bring Angel!" I answered back "yes mom". So Angel and I headed back to the shuttle, I turned on the Light Gatherer and we headed up the stairs. When we made it inside, we took our space-suits off and washed up for supper. Thing about space is that there are no tables, because there is no gravity to keep it down, so we all ate in comfortable positions floating in mid-air. When we were done, the Cardinals suited up to go outside, before they left Mr. Cardinal turned to my dad and I and said "tomorrow I'm taking you, Angel and your dad with me to the Space Station where I work. I think it will be very educational for you two" my dad smiled and said "I'll see you bright and early so we can flag the taxi ship down" Mr. Cardinal shook his head in approval and said "all right! see you then!" they walked into the
"deflation room" as my mom called it, because the air got sucked out whenever we left that part of the ship. As they went out the main hatch, I watched them leave through the window, Angel turned around and winked at me, I blushed and waved goodbye.

The next day, was a very special day! Mr. Cardinal and my dad were taking Angel and I, to work with them at the Orbiting Space Serpent. A very large serpent like space-craft that moved like a serpent in order to maintain it's orbit around Earth. "Pack up your lunch, your going to want your wireless helmet radio, and perhaps a Touch 'n' Log notebook". I gathered my things and went outside to meet Angel, she had all her things ready, she told me she didn't sleep all 64 rotations of Earth. Then Mr. Cardinal came out with my dad, they were laughing at some random joke then came over to meet us, Mr. Cardinal said "why good morning Lion! how did you sleep?" I replied with a stronger voice now that I knew his behavior a lot better "good morning Mr. Cardinal" he nodded his head, as if he was affirming an order, then he turned to Angel "can you believe it!? only been here 245 rotations of Earth and we are already headed back home! well, not permanently, we live here now, but you know what I mean" he gave Angel a wink. Angel replied "I KNOW! I can't wait to show Lion where we used to live!" my dad spoke "Lion, your gonna have a pretty adventurous time on the Serpent!" I smiled, all this talk about things I didn't know just made me more anxious and more nervous. "HERE COMES THE SHUTTLE!" yelled Mr. Cardinal. I looked up to see a rather small but decent sized ship, it landed and a man came out, he had blue eyes and brown hair, and looked like a movie star out of the old films my dad showed me, with George Clooney and  Liem Neeson. The man spoke "you folks ready, if yes get in the ship now, i'm on a tight schedule!" my dad replied "yes sir! you lead the way!". We made our way to the ship, I looked back at our Rocket-Homes, they were silent, like they were waiting for us to leave, wishing us luck on our journey.

The trip took 5 Earth days, but I didn't care, it was amazing! My first time seeing the stars at this distance, the moon had gotten smaller and smaller, the Earth had gotten fairly larger, but it looked beautiful! I used to look at it through my telescope, now it was right in front of me! Big. Blue. And Green. My dad came through the hatch from the cockpit "look son! we're almost there!" I looked out the window and saw what looked like a large Dragon, the Orbiting Space Serpent, was a beauty in it's own way.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The shuttle landed, and it took about an hour for the gears and engines to stabilize. The huge syringe like shuttle had a beautiful logo on its side, it was a bright green, like the green on an old Greek coin, and the shape was a silhouette of a Pegasus with a fiery main that was a dark crimson color. I gazed at it as steam arose from its bottom and a hatch opened up from its side, then the Light Gatherer wove light particles together making a bright blue color, and holding the light together, it made a series of solid objects that resembled stairs. Two adults came out of the shuttle and came up to my parents. "Greetings!" said the young looking man on the left, he had blue-ish  brown eyes, with a beard that looked lightly trimmed and well maintained. "you must be our new neighbors! Mr. and Mrs. Naut?" said the man. My father replied "that's us! I got the message on my monitor that a new family would be joining us on the Moon!". The man smiled and said "I'm Doctor Erik Cardinal, and this is my wife Julia" the woman had brown hair and green eyes that looked tired from the long trip here. My father shook hands with the two people, this was my first time meeting people not from this location, I was a bit shy but at the same time anxious to meet these strangers, then Dr. Cardinal spoke "and this is my daughter Angel" a girl about my height who looked of the age of 12 came out from behind Mrs. Cardinal, I looked at her and my eyes grew wide, my first time seeing a girl my age, she had red hair with a little bit of almond color and a dark crimson at the roots, she had green eyes like her mother, and a some what narrow face, an elegant grace to her gaze, and cute personality...I was in love, Angel, such a delicate name, I couldn't wait to find out more about this mysterious being. My father spoke up not allowing me to think peacefully-"my name is James Glory, and this is my wife Madeline, and this young man is my son, LionEyes" Dr. Cardinal looked at me and put his hand out "hello LionEyes" I stared at his hand not knowing what to do "shake his hand" my father muttered under his breath, I shook his hand and nervously said "hello", and that was the day I will never forget, because that's the day I first saw pure beauty.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My First Steps

When I first awoke, my eye's gaze was first attracted to the logo of a beautiful Red Lion, the simple detail and genius of the design was a sight for sore eyes. My head turned to a brown haired woman, and I was in the arms of a red haired man, my eyes shut tight for I was too young and too new to keep them open.
That was not my first step, but it was my first memory.

My first step, was when I was 3 years old, it was dark out, and the only thing I could see was a big blue and green and white ball surrounded by white lights, I had a small rubber outfit on that covered my whole body, and a 2 layered plexi-glass dome around my head, my dad set me down while he did his work on the shuttle.
I saw an interesting rock that caught my eye, it was crystal like, but it was 5ft away, I got up on my small feet, I shook a little, trembling in nervousness, I lifted one foot out, and just as I usually saw my parents do, I stepped forward, and I took six more steps when I was at the rock, it didn't take much strength to lift it at my age, due to the gravity being less thick as Earth's. My dad looked from his work to check on me, and to his surprise, I was 6ft away standing on two legs holding a probably 2lb rock, the shock on his face was unforgettable.

4 years had passed, my parents still hadn't thought of a name for me, I was 7 by then. It was my birthday, and my dad had thousands of wonderful gadgets that he had made me, he showed me how they all worked and how to use them and what to use them for. After eating dry brownies that my mom had made, my parents told me to sit on the couch. My mother said to me "over the years, we have noticed that you have had an endless attraction to the Red Lion logo on our space shuttle. So your father and I have come up with the best birthday gift you could ever get" my dad interrupted "Son, we have a name for you now." My eyes grew wide in suspense, curious and anxious to hear what my name was going to be. Then my mom said "what do you think of Lion Eyes?" I replied "I love it! Thanks mom!" and that was my name from then on.

4 more years went by, I was 12 now, I looked up as a huge space craft prepared for landing, its gears came down, steam left its jet engines, I looked up to my mom and said "Who is in there?" my mom replied "our new neighbors"...